Program Details
What makes a new preschooler a STRONG start?
Here is a hint: It's not necessarily being able to count to ten or recite the ABCs but to enter pre-K with social skills and the ability to communicate with their peers and adults.
Here are the lessons your child will naturally pick up from our Preschool Prep program:
Play Nicely
Your little one will experience how to (parallel) play with other peers in the shared space and learn the most important social abilities: sharing & taking turns.
Adapting to a Routine
Your child will experience what a classroom routine looks like and feels confident and secure when she always knows what comes next.
Focusing on a Task
Attention is a learned skill and working on it is like building a muscle! Our progressive curriculum provides parents a stress-free way to build a child's stamina through a variety of group and individual fun activities.
Get Ready to Separate from Parents
Saying bye-bye to mommy and daddy without tears is often the most challenging part of starting preschool. Our Preschool Prep program is a caregiver-participate program, which offers your little one a soft way to open a new schooling life. By the end of each day, children will have a chance to play or interact with other peers and the teacher in the classroom without the caregiver's company. This is a great practice for a young child to get ready for the real separation of preschool.
Extra Earns!
Our Preschool Prep curriculum includes cognitive development (modification from our Logic Fun Program), gross & fine motor skills, and Early Literacy building! It's an English-Mandarin Dual-Language Program lead by New York State Bilingual licensed teachers.
2022 Fall Semester Schedule & Tuition
*This program is only offered at Financial District Location
10:00 - 10:15 am: Student Self-Directed Parallel Play
10:15 - 10:30 am: Teacher-Directed Circle Time
10:30 - 10:45 am: Group Activity - Music & Body Movement OR Art Project & Fine Motor Skills
10:45 - 11:05 am: Potty & Snack Time
11:05 - 11:20 am: Group Activity - Bi-weekly Thematic Content Learning
11:20 - 11:25 am: Interactive Read Aloud
11:25 - 11:30 am: Bye-Bye Time
Health & Safety
Wednesday 10:00 am - 11:30 am, instructed in Mandarin
Thursday 10:00 am - 11:30 am, instructed in English
Friday 10:00 am - 11:30 am, instructed in Mandarin
September 6th - December 17th, No class during the week of November 22nd (Thanksgiving)
Semester Rate
1 day per week: $1570
2 days per week: $2720
3 days per week: $3420
Early Bird Discount
$200 instant discount if registering for 2 or more days per week and paid the full tuition before August 23rd.
Extra Information
- Age Requirement: Your child must be 18-24 months old by September 2021.
- Class Ratio: 1:5
- Potty Trained Requirement: NO
​To make sure the health and safety of all on-site students and instructors, we will implement the following measures into daily operation:
- Face coverings.
students and all employees must wear masks all the time.
- Daily classroom sanitation.
All tables, chairs, and floors will be sanitized at the end of the day.
- Disinfect activity items after every use.
All our on-site employees are trained to use alcohol wipes or spray to perform quick disinfection to classroom items after every use (toys, class materials, or personal belongings).
- Frequent handwashing and hand sanitizing.
Classroom teachers will instruct students to wash hands before and after each session and more frequent handwashing during the session if necessary.
- Seating arrangement to practice in-classroom distancing.
all students in the classroom will maintain a physical distance at least 6 feet apart.